iHotel Mongolia
iHotel is a social start-up company with a long lasting vision of BECOME A NATIONAL COMPANY TO DISTRIBUTE MONGOLIA TO THE WORLD.
Mongolia has been attracting the world's attention in recent years with its nature, wildlife, historical and cultural tourism, and according to a 2019 WTTC survey, it is one of the 10 countries with the highest tourism growth.
Unfortunately, for Mongolia, which preserves its pristine nature, nomadic culture and traditions, it is an insurmountable challenge for the nature-based hospitality industry to welcome tourists using modern online technology, as it is a natural service that can show its true uniqueness.
About us
Hotel LLC was established in 2014 as a hotel consulting company. In 2018, we transformed the consulting company into a technology company and from that period to until today, we are continuously developing Online Hotel Booking site iHotel.mn and from 2020, we also started to develop the Reservation Management System (RMS) MyHotel too.
As we mentioned earlier, the company has been developing an online reservation system (Online Travel Agency) called iHotel.mn for travelers to find the right accommodations and where to find the true uniqueness of Mongolia. On the other hand, we are supporting Hospitality properties to become online and giving them a good opportunity to increase their sales and welcome guests from all over the world. Currently, we are cooperating with over 500 hotels, resorts and tourist camps located in Ulaanbaatar and rural areas of Mongolia and get their reservations through our system and we made more than 20000 reservations.
We have been cooperating with government organizations in organizing international conferences through our technological solutions, Namely Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in 2016, JCI Asia Pacific Area Conference (JCI ASPAC) in 2017, and The Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in 2018.
In the beginning our company aims to support hotels and tourist camps to increase their sales, and also partnerships with international OTA (Online Travel Agency) such as booking.com, agoda.com, expedia.com to create a better environment.
Also in cooperation with the Ministry of Nature and Tourism of Mongolia, we have introduced the Feel Mongolia application, which allows Mongolians to travel comfortably and safely in Mongolia.
Our dream is to make truly unique, exotic places available online in every corner of the world and to support travelers amazing journeys and dreams come true. That's why iHotel's youths are heading to Southeast Asia and set up their own company in Singapore.
iHotel will offer you 5 million star accommodations in the pristine nature, not just 5 star hotels.
iHotel.mn нь зочид буудал, амралтын газар, жуулчны баазын онлайн захиалгын системийг хөгжүүлж одоогоор Улаанбаатар болон хөдөө орон нутгийн 600 гаруй зочид буудал, амралтын газар, жуулчны баазтай хамтран ажиллаж, тэдгээрийн захиалгыг өөрийн системээрээ дамжуулан хүлээн авч байна.
Read MoreЗочид буудлын онлайн захиалгын чиглэлээр сүүлийн 8 жил дагнан ажиллаж буй iHotel компанийн туршлагатай, мэргэжлийн хамт олон таны хэрэгцээнд бүрэн нийцэх веб сайтыг захиалгын бүртгэл, өрөөний удирдлагын систем, төлбөр тооцооны иж бүрэн шийдлийн хамт цогцоор ашиглах үйлчилгээг танд санал болгож байна.
Read MorePMS (Property Management System) буюу буудлын удирдлагын систем нь үүлэн технологид суурилсан дэлхийн хаанаас ч интернэтээр дамжуулан компьютер, гар утсаар өөрийн зочид буудал, амралтын газрын захиалгыг удирдах, хянах боломжтой шинэ цагийн систем юм.
Read MoreCentral Tower 9th floor 912,
Sambuu street, Sukhbaatar district, 8th khoroo,
Ulaanbaatar - 210620а, Mongolia