Taij business hotel | Тайж зочид буудал

Улаанбаатар хот, Баянгол дүүрэг 4-р хороо, Энхтайваны өргөн чөлөө-93, Тайж Палас - Газрын зураг харах


Taij Business Hotel, which has provided its tourism service sector in Mongolia with 4 unified electricity, has a total of 39 rooms, Coffee Shop, Asian and European restaurant, Karaoke room, Sauna, Fitness hall, Conference room and all services complex. 1st floor Karaoke, Coffee Shop, Reception 2nd floor “Edelweiss” restaurant has VIP rooms, the master chef's new innovative cuisine with a capacity of 200-250 people, all kinds of reception events, live music band performances, chef's food day on regular days, Mongolian culture and cultural arts for tourists during the tourist season. size, introducing an innovative European breakfast service and delivery service. 3rd floor On the 3rd floor, “Taij” Hot pot Asian restaurant VIP rooms. /with a capacity of 150-175 people/ our restaurant serves dishes from Chinese, Mongolian and Asian skilled chefs and introduces hot pot and Asian cuisine culture. 4th, 5th, 6th floors The 4th, 5th, and 6th floors are 4-star hotel rooms. The hotel rooms have 39 rooms with 72 beds and 10 categories of 5 levels, including standard, half-suite, full suite, family room, and presidential room. 7th floor The management office of “Taige Bridge Group” LLC, conference hall for 20-30 people, “Taige Fitness” center, management office of “Taige” Tourism Company, etc. will be located there

Хоол ба уух зүйлс
Мини Баар
Тосох хүргэх үйлчилгээ (төлбөртэй)
Нийтэд зориулсан хэсэг
Нийтийн лоунж
Цахилгаан шат
24 цагийн үйлчилгээ
Угаалгын үйлчилгээ
Өдөр тутмын цэвэрлэгээ
Үйлчилгээний төв
Мини маркет
Ажилчдын ярьж чадах гадаад хэлнүүд
Зочид буудлаас санал болгодог үйлчилгээ
Угаалгын өрөө
Боловсон ариун цэврийн өрөө

Боломжит өрөөнүүд

Захиалах өдөр сонгох: 8 хоног

Standard single room (1 нарийн ортой)
1 Хүний багтаамжтай
1 Ортой
33 m 2

With the trend of minimalist style, it will help you to have a peaceful vacation, orderly and free rest around you.

About the property's amenities and services

Smart TV

High speed internet


Water & Coffee

Mini Bar

Warmth heater

182,000 MNT хоног
Standard twin room (2 нарийн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
2 Ортой
33 m 2

Full suite rooms have spacious windows with a view of the city, minimalist decor, orderly environment and comfortable relaxation conditions.

About the property's amenities and services

Smart TV

High speed internet


Water & Coffee

Mini Bar

Warmth heater



Bath Shower

182,000 MNT хоног
Standard triple room (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
64 m 2

Full suite rooms have spacious windows with a view of the city, minimalist decor, orderly environment and comfortable relaxation conditions.

About the property's amenities and services

Smart TV

High speed internet


Water & Coffee

Mini Bar

Warmth heater



Bath Shower

x 3
280,000 MNT хоног

Санал болгох

Баянгол, Улаанбаатар

Taij business hotel | Тайж зочид буудал

182,000 MNT

Баянзүрх, Улаанбаатар

Park hotel | Парк зочид буудал

221,000 MNT

Баянгол, Улаанбаатар

SJ Hotel

182,000 MNT

Сүхбаатар, Улаанбаатар

Платиниум Зочид буудал | Platinum Hotel

346,500 MNT